I have a couple stories to share with you to lighten your heart for the holidays.
First off comes from my three year old niece. My sister, Stephanie, was watching the news back in Omaha and saw a story of a family who lost all their stuff in a house fire a month or two ago. Forgive me for not knowing all the whole story, but although thankfully no one died in this fire, the details were enough to bring tears to my sister's eyes. My niece came into the room moments later to find her mother obviously distraught and asked what was wrong. Stephanie told her this family's house caught on fire and now the kids didn't have any toys to play with. Annabelle immediately jumped up and exclaimed "We could give them some of our toys!" and ran over to the toy chest and began pulling things to share. Despite the fact that she pulled only her younger brother's toys aside to giveaway, her heart was still genuine and she continued to ask mommy about it for several days.
The second story is one of my own experience and comes in two parts. There is a local homeless shelter that our radio station supports called John3:16 Mission. We do several things with them throughout the year, but especially around this time of year we make a hard push for donations. The mission supplies a Thanksgiving meal to over 20,000 individuals between a Thanksgiving Banquet at the mission and baskets that are delivered to needy families. A couple weeks ago we were out on remote at a grocery store collecting canned goods and a little boy came up to me and handed me a sac full of cans and gave me a big hug to thank me. I'll admit it was a little awkward, but afterwards, I thought there must have been a good reason this boy was so thankful we were helping the needy. We saw so much generous giving that day including one individual who drove by and saw what we were doing, and went inside specifically to get cans for us. What he came out with was a shopping cart literally filled to the brim with cans of fruits and vegetables. It was great!
My final story is one I actually stumbled upon immediately after starting to write this blog. My friend Anna (you can find her in my blog roll) had a very encouraging experience as well. Rather than retell it, I'll just direct you to her story. Its an awesome one!
So this Thanksgiving, as you gorge yourself in mom's home cooking, eating enough to slip into a tryptophan-enduced coma, give thanks. Not only for the food and lifestyle God has blessed you with, but also for those who have a heart to bless others.
Matthew 25:35 "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in."
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