Thursday, December 7, 2006


Anyone who really knows me knows I get squimish in certain situations involving knives or images of cuts/gashes and I'm looking for the specific phobia that identifies it. If anyone knows or can find out, let me know. I've looked all over the internet but have had no luck.
If you're interested in helping, here's a more detailed description and what I've found searching the internet so far:

I'm pretty sure the phobia stemmed from me cutting myself while working several years ago. Its not the knife or sharp object that makes me feel sick, its the thought of the person using it slipping and cutting themselves. When I see images of mutilation or bad cuts, I also get sick. Its not the blood and guts that bothers me, its more the thought of how they got there. So basically, I have a phobia of mutilation, and although images of all sharp objects will make me squirm (I blacked out when the guy in Saw pulled out the hacksaw) it seems that it's the small razors that make me squirm the most. Here's what I've found on the internet that most closely resembles what I have, although none of them hit it exactly.

Aichmophobia- Fear of needles or pointed objects
Hemophobia or Hemaphobia or Hematophobia- Fear of blood
Traumatophobia- Fear of injury
Xyrophobia-Fear of razors

I think I will make up my own term if one doesn't already exist. How about "xyrotraumatophobia"? Yeah, I kinda like that.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Tastes like... burning

So, here's some advice. Never spray pepper spray up in the air, then watch it come down. I can give this sound advice because tonight, I did just that. Ladies, if a man is going to rape you, mace will fend him off. My eyes are burning and some got on my lips which are burning pretty bad now too.


This is going on my list as one of the stupidest things I've ever done.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

COPS America vs COPS London

I was watching COPS and they had a special edition where they were in London. I thought it might be cool, cause, you know its London. Plus, in the opener, they're showing car chases, riots with people beating riot cops with a bat, and all sorts of cool stuff like that. The following is a list of why COPS London is better than COPS America:

White Trash - They have it in London too; people getting arrested without their shirts, guys beating up their mothers over a pack of cigarettes. Only the difference is this. They have cool accents.

Riots - There was a riot going on and the cops aren't armed like they are in America. This puts the odds to the side carrying bricks and molotov cocktails, which makes for a WAY better fight.
Flaming people - When said molotov cocktails are thrown at police, police begin running and screaming while on fire.

Cool accents - cool accents

Friday, October 20, 2006

What Can Come Out Your Nose

My college roommate was a pretty funny guy and he had this habit of waiting until i put beverages and sometimes food in my mouth before he would deliver a punchline. It became almost a contest, each time trying to get something new to come out. Here is an abridged version of things he has made come out of my nose. This is by no means a complete list, as I probably could not name everything he has successfully made come out my nose, but here is a start... And if any of my college friends can think of anything else you have witnessed, please feel free to add it.
  • Milk
  • Chocolate Milk
  • various sodas
  • ice cream
  • Chili - yeah, i know
  • Jello - actually hurts
  • Jello with bananas - hurts WAY more
  • slushy
  • hot coffee
  • a small chunk of ice (this actually became lodged in my nose, and dripped out as it melted)
  • snow - actually, he made that go up my nose
  • listerine
and the most recent event that inspired me to write this blog
  • potato chips

I think what hurt the most was hot coffee and listerine. The listerine was actually quite impressive because he wasn't there. I was gargaling one morning and i thought of a joke he told the night before about gargaling sand and it made me laugh.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Price is Right vs Drunk

**Edit** This was my first edition of 'A' vs 'B' and this little post actually earned me a feature on So here it is, the first installment of...

Things people do if they are on the Price is Right or if they are drunk.

  • They scream randomly and obnoxiously if you mention their name or where they are from.

  • They make really stupid decisions that, as an observer you know are stupid, but in the same situation you know you'd do the same things.

  • They hug and profess their love to anyone who is giving them something free.

  • It's not as fun without the games.

  • They kiss people they wouldn't normally kiss.

  • They're not allowed to drive the cars.

  • They don't have a great concept of how expensive things are.

  • They oggle attractive women.

  • Their friends cheer them on.

  • They get excited over really, really trivial things. Like dinette sets.

  • Bob Barker is there egging you on.

Friday, September 29, 2006

State of the World

Is this an indication of the world we live in today or an indication that I am a paranoid idiot?

I'm not normally the type that has a doomsday attitude, but I was getting out of my car to go into the store today and a guy in another car got out at the same time as me. Only, before he got out, he kissed his rosary beads and crossed himself.

My first thought was not that, "Oh, this guy must be religious" it was, "I hope he's not asking for forgiveness because he's getting ready to shoot the place up."

As I walked in to the store, I held the door for him. There was no way i was getting on HIS bad side! As he passed by, I made sure there were no "gun-shaped" bulges anywhere on his body. He seemed to pass, so I bought my things and left.

About Me

My photo
I grew up in the country with my nearest neighbor being almost a mile away. I was also the youngest in the family and the only boy. Growing up, I didn't have a lot of "playmates" so I found ways of entertaining myself. I could go outside on a nice fall Saturday (or frigid Iowa winter) and not come in until dark. My childhood is what cultivated my active imagination, or "specialness" as my mom always called it.