Tuesday, October 24, 2006

COPS America vs COPS London

I was watching COPS and they had a special edition where they were in London. I thought it might be cool, cause, you know its London. Plus, in the opener, they're showing car chases, riots with people beating riot cops with a bat, and all sorts of cool stuff like that. The following is a list of why COPS London is better than COPS America:

White Trash - They have it in London too; people getting arrested without their shirts, guys beating up their mothers over a pack of cigarettes. Only the difference is this. They have cool accents.

Riots - There was a riot going on and the cops aren't armed like they are in America. This puts the odds to the side carrying bricks and molotov cocktails, which makes for a WAY better fight.
Flaming people - When said molotov cocktails are thrown at police, police begin running and screaming while on fire.

Cool accents - cool accents

Friday, October 20, 2006

What Can Come Out Your Nose

My college roommate was a pretty funny guy and he had this habit of waiting until i put beverages and sometimes food in my mouth before he would deliver a punchline. It became almost a contest, each time trying to get something new to come out. Here is an abridged version of things he has made come out of my nose. This is by no means a complete list, as I probably could not name everything he has successfully made come out my nose, but here is a start... And if any of my college friends can think of anything else you have witnessed, please feel free to add it.
  • Milk
  • Chocolate Milk
  • various sodas
  • ice cream
  • Chili - yeah, i know
  • Jello - actually hurts
  • Jello with bananas - hurts WAY more
  • slushy
  • hot coffee
  • a small chunk of ice (this actually became lodged in my nose, and dripped out as it melted)
  • snow - actually, he made that go up my nose
  • listerine
and the most recent event that inspired me to write this blog
  • potato chips

I think what hurt the most was hot coffee and listerine. The listerine was actually quite impressive because he wasn't there. I was gargaling one morning and i thought of a joke he told the night before about gargaling sand and it made me laugh.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Price is Right vs Drunk

**Edit** This was my first edition of 'A' vs 'B' and this little post actually earned me a feature on http://www.collegehumor.com/. So here it is, the first installment of...

Things people do if they are on the Price is Right or if they are drunk.

  • They scream randomly and obnoxiously if you mention their name or where they are from.

  • They make really stupid decisions that, as an observer you know are stupid, but in the same situation you know you'd do the same things.

  • They hug and profess their love to anyone who is giving them something free.

  • It's not as fun without the games.

  • They kiss people they wouldn't normally kiss.

  • They're not allowed to drive the cars.

  • They don't have a great concept of how expensive things are.

  • They oggle attractive women.

  • Their friends cheer them on.

  • They get excited over really, really trivial things. Like dinette sets.

  • Bob Barker is there egging you on.

About Me

My photo
I grew up in the country with my nearest neighbor being almost a mile away. I was also the youngest in the family and the only boy. Growing up, I didn't have a lot of "playmates" so I found ways of entertaining myself. I could go outside on a nice fall Saturday (or frigid Iowa winter) and not come in until dark. My childhood is what cultivated my active imagination, or "specialness" as my mom always called it.