My dad took a trip down last week so i was able to send my 3 acoustic guitars, 1 electric, and a keyboard down with him, along with my TV, so that did help considerably, but other than that, my life consists of not much more than DVDs, t-shirts, and a "miscellaneous" bag. Needless to say, I was unpacked by early in the evening.
I begin my new career tomorrow, with a likely 12+ hour day. Avalon will be in concert and I opted to start with that instead of next Monday where I'd just be doing mindless paperwork. My boss asked if I thought I could handle a 12 hour day. I laughed. I'm so used to working long hours, I'm not sure what its going to be like having semi-regular hours. Sure there'll be the occasional concert or event that will get me some extra hours, but someone told me the other day I'm not going to know what to do with all my extra time. After literally walking back and forth in the house today without actually "doing" anything, I think they were right. I finally broke out and went down the road to Panera for some quality internet usage. This blog is my attempt to prove them wrong. I'll try to keep it updated.
So goodbye, Omaha. Thanks for the memories!