So yesterday was my first official day working. It was a long day. My boss had e-mailed me the night before and had to go out of town last minute so the guy I replaced came back for a day to run the concert/train me. He said right off the bat that concert days were typically pretty easy and laid back, but long days. I started just before 9am that morning and got off around 11pm, so a long day indeed. But a lot of fun. I honestly didn't watch much of the concert, but from what I heard, it was pretty good. It was 2 bands I had never heard of, Daniel Doss Band and Cadia; and 2 i had

heard of, Michael English and Avalon. Minus a little snaphoo with ticket prices, the show went well from a production standpoint. Oh, I also got tons of free gear from RHEMA, the church the concert was held at. Its a huge church (main sanctuary seats somewhere around 5000) and they have a huge youth program that has made these shirts called "I believe". Apparently I'm now the spokesperson for
www.ibelievethemovement.com with all the stuff he gave me. Anyway, made some good contacts, got some business cards, shook babies, kissed hands, the usual.
Today was my first day in the office. Since I worked a long day yesterday, I went in at 11. I got introduced around the office, filled out my paperwork, and got set up in my office. I've got

a window office, and I'd like to tell you this is the view from my window, but its not. The office windows all have shade type things in front of them so if I took a picture, it would be a shot between the shades, so I took this one out of the window just next to my office. So basically, this is what I would see if i didn't have the bars on the window. Its a 60 story building and the KXOJ offices are on the 55th floor. I got my parking pass, and proximity card (allows me into the parking lot, and after hours, the elevators don't work without a proximity card.) Oh, and the elevators are super fast. it takes 48 seconds to go from the 1st to the 55th floor. Your ears pop on the way up and down. Prett

y sweet. I also found out today, that I will get some pseudo on-air time. I voice track the weekend middays for one of their sister stations. Its actually the same station with the same playlist as KXOJ in Tulsa, but they've got a different frequency and tower in a small town called Meskogee so they have different on-air people with different commercials and sponsers. Voice tracking by the way is basically pre-recording a show. I have a four hour shift on Saturday and Sundays that (once I get used the equipment) will take me about 10 minutes a piece to pre-record. I'm lookin forward to everything. This job seems right up my alley. Everyone at the station seems really cool as well. I was a little worried my sense of humor wouldn't fit in well here (sarcastic and a little twisted), but I've been proven wrong multiple times in just the last two days so I'm a little more comfortable. I hung out with the morning show guy a bit last night, as well as the Assistant Program Director, and also the evening gal/production director, Caryn, who also goes to my sister's church (which may be where I end up if I can get involved as much as I want to.)
I start in full force Monday, actually doing the job I was hired to do, so there's still one more hurdle to get over (if you even want to call it that). Thanks for keeping in touch, all that have. Shame on the people who haven't!