Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A message from New Orleans

Many of you know I made a trip down to New Orleans to help with some relief work post-Katrina. What started as an act to simply please a girl (don't things always start this way) ended as a life-changing experience and I now have a very deep love for the city. Many people shared this same experience, including a friend of mine from Omaha. She went down with her college to help out and after several more trips, even took a position spearheading some of the efforts as a point person for groups wanting to go down. After completing her year-long position, she decided to stay down there and become a New Orleans Police Officer. I can't tell you how much I would not want this job, and how much respect I have for her for going for it.

With Gustav hitting land this morning I ask you say a prayer for my friend, but also the people of New Orleans. I have seen with my own eyes the damage and hurt Katrina caused, but I have also seen a city of people rise up in the middle of a disaster. This was a message my friend, Stephanie, posted yesterday morning, and a few updates from her mom.

*posted August 31st at 5:22a.m.

Today it slowly sank in. Gustav is coming. And Gustav could be big. I woke up to a note from my roommate. She works for a nursing home and evacuated with her residents today. Then, I went to run errands (pick up some BDU’s, get a knife, more food, etc) and the interstate was crazy backed up. From what I hear from my local friends, people are taking this storm seriously. I say- good. People need to evacuate. We don’t need a repeat. Homes and material things can be replaced but lives cannot. Plus, it gives us less to do after it hits.

Then, as the day went on the streets just got emptier and emptier. The interstate is backed up getting out of town. The stores are boarded up and closed. Little to nothing will be open tomorrow. Some gas stations are empty. Ice is hard to come by. And the national guard is here. I’m also told we have two boats at our station ready to go. I’ve never been through a storm that has such advanced warning before- it’s an eerie experience. I’ll take a tornado any day over this. The threat comes and goes within a few hours. And they rarely wipe out a whole coastline.

I feel like I’m preparing for war. Everyone moves out and we move in. I have my police gear and lots of canned food, water, and such ready to be put in my car. We’ll see what the next week of my life holds. We’re definitely going to get something. It’s not looking good. But this is why I signed up to be the police, right? This is what we do. This is where I belong right now. I trust God is watching over us and I’ll cope with what comes our way. I’m not worried about my stuff or my life (okay maybe a little)… I’m concerned for my city and its future and the dear (and even the not so dear) people who live here. Pray for the gulf.

As I did one last load of laundry today, I looked over and saw the Katrina water settling mark on the house next door. I’m pretty much planning on my home getting flooded and losing most everything I own. I honestly feel that it’s kind of a guarantee right now. I have some stuff over at a friends… so hopefully that’ll make it so I have more to wear than BDU uniforms after the rescuing is done.

Not gonna lie… this is an eerie feeling. I’m not sure where we’ll be stationed while the storm passes. I report to work in a few hours and, well, I'll leave when I leave. I will probably not be able to update for awhile. But feel free to check back for updates. If I text someone maybe they can leave it as a comment? Anywho, pray for the gulf. Pray Gustav isn’t related to Katrina. And pray all the stolen trucks that have popped up in my district (to be used in looting) break down :0) Seriously… I have no idea what is coming our way… but I feel it. And I honestly cannot describe the feeling. May God be with us all. And thank you for your prayers!!!

*posted September 1st at 8:07a.m. by Stephanie's mom

I received a text message from Stephanie this morning at 1:37. She was patrolling the streets in a humvee with 3 soldiers. She said it was windy but but not raining at that point and for me to not believe the news. Thank you all for praying for Stephanie. At this point she has probably been pulled off the streets since Gustav is hitting land.

I just got another text from Stephanie, she is at the convention center riding out Gustav's land fall. She also said that CNN is stationed at her station doing stories. So you may to check CNN once in a while.

posted September 1st at 3:21pm by Stephanie's mom

I've heard from Steph about an hour ago. She is still inside. The big concern is waiting to see what the levees do and if they hold. Thank you for all your prayers. I'll keep you all updated.

*posted september 1st at 10:18PM by stephanie's mom

Another update on Stephanie (8:30 PM) She hadn't heard about any major damage in NOLA. Lots of rain. She said her district 6 seems ok. She has had access to water and food and still had power. She is currently out on patrol. Someone said on TV that NOLA dodged a bullet. My belief is that Gustav getting weaker and not coming a shore as a category 3 or 4 was God answering all our prayers.

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About Me

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I grew up in the country with my nearest neighbor being almost a mile away. I was also the youngest in the family and the only boy. Growing up, I didn't have a lot of "playmates" so I found ways of entertaining myself. I could go outside on a nice fall Saturday (or frigid Iowa winter) and not come in until dark. My childhood is what cultivated my active imagination, or "specialness" as my mom always called it.