Sunday, June 8, 2008

Greatest Show on Dirt

So, I'm really excited to go back to Omaha. Less than a week now. I'm not so much homesick as I am just really wanting to watch some of America's favorite pasttime in its truest form - College World Series. Growing up in Omaha I was spoiled to be able to go every year (except my summer spent in Oklahoma doing my internship four years ago). I always had a good time but never realized how much I loved it until that point. Some Omahans aren't to thrilled about the new stadium being built, and maybe it was a waste, but if thats what it takes to keep CWS home, I'm all for it. I really think that this will be one of those things I keep coming back to Omaha for, no matter where I'm at or how much of my family remains there.

So for any who are interested in joining me, first let me start by saying I have no intentions of repeating last year's infamous fiasco and hope to enjoy the game in its entirety this year. I plan on going to the 6pm game on Saturday the 14th, so you'll find me in line to get tickets bright and early Saturday morning. Anyone who would like to join me is welcome, just call my cell. I'll also be at the Sunday night game and hopefully the Monday afternoon game. Hey, I work at a sports station, maybe I can pull some credentials! :)

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About Me

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I grew up in the country with my nearest neighbor being almost a mile away. I was also the youngest in the family and the only boy. Growing up, I didn't have a lot of "playmates" so I found ways of entertaining myself. I could go outside on a nice fall Saturday (or frigid Iowa winter) and not come in until dark. My childhood is what cultivated my active imagination, or "specialness" as my mom always called it.