I found a box of old stuff while cleaning. The following is a story I wrote circa 1st grade (when do you stop using the brown tissue paper with the handwriting lines?). Its pretty much the best story ever. I left in the spelling for fun, so this is word for word how I wrote it. Enjoy.
How the Raccoon Got His Mask
There wants was a littel raccoon houw hadn't had a mask at all. He wanted one so bad but he couldn't aford the money. He dicided to look for gold. Days wint by, weeks wint by and finly, a month wint by and he still didn't have any gold. One day he wint to the Picific oashion. When he came back up he had a..... tresher chest fild with gold silver and all kinds of coins. He wint to the bank to see how much it was it took them two weeks to fuiger it out it was worth 10,000,000 dolers. But he didn't know wher to get one. He wint to the Mall of the Blufes. All he foulnd in most of the stors were shirts, shose, underware, and pants. He went into a candy store. Nothen in here but candy. He didn't know what to do then he knew it he akes his mother. she said, "dig one up" so he bought a shovel and lots of diging supllys. Finely he foulnd what he was loking for a nice shining black mask he was so glade and happy.

1 comment:
You were such a good speller! I also recall spelling "glad" g-l-a-d-e. Good work!
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